Delivery, Returns & Warranty

Products marked as express delivery are shipped within 24 hrs and should be delivered in 2-3 working days. Your delivery means that your purchases will be sent directly to your door. Delivered e-bike will not be fully assembled. Your bike will be built and PDI(pre-delivery inspection) safety checked by us and after the bike has been put together, the handlebars will be loosened and turned to the side to allow the bike to fit in its box. For this reason, your product will arrive in a pre-opened box, which simply means the product you ordered has been subject to all the necessary checks and inspections, by us. Please note that ancillary items such as pedals and baskets are not attached before dispatch to protect them during shipment, you will be required to attach these items yourself, straighten and tighten the handlebars of your bike once the product arrives to you.  

Preview of PDI checked e-bike, ready for shipment:
bike.png 311.48 KB

Returns & Warranty
If delivered item is faulty, please contact us via:
You need to keep postage receipt, we will contact you as soon as returned product is delivered to address provided.

Electric Bikes are regulated in line with existing Electric Power Assisted Cycles regulations.
For items purchased on, you can send them back for a full refund within 14 days from date you've received the goods, provided it has not been used or fitted, and is returned in its original state and packaging with a valid proof of purchase.